A fejlesztők egy újabb kör hotfixet adtak hozzá, mivel úgy tűnik, hogy a No Rest for the Wicked negatív értékelései arra késztették a csapatot, hogy a lehető leggyorsabban telepítsék a javításokat, hogy a közönség biztos kezekben legyen.
A No Rest for the Wicked kezd a rajongók kedvencévé válni, és bár a játék még mindig Early Access-ben van, a fejlesztők szenvedélye és elkötelezettsége bizonyítja, mennyire szeretnék, ha a játék sikeres lenne, és ami a legfontosabb, hogy a játékosok élvezzék a játékot.
Ezzel együtt megnézzük az összes változtatást, amit a játékhoz adtak, mivel úgy tűnik, hamarosan még több is érkezik. A Moon Studios eltökélt szándéka, hogy csiszolja a játékot, és kijavítson minden olyan problémát, ami frusztrálja a kicsi, de hűséges rajongótábort. Remélhetőleg még többen merülnek el mélyen Isola Sacra gyönyörű világában.
No Rest for the Wicked Early Access Hotfix 3
Performance Improvements
- Improved area streaming, making the game feel smoother while traversing across different areas
- Dynamic Resolution Scaling is now less aggressive, maintaining higher image quality
- Improved culling for off-screen physics objects and characters
- Fixed culling for bird animations, improving their performance in levels (there’s a lot of them!)
- Additional Shader Optimizations for performance mode
- Fixed a leak which increased memory and CPU usage the longer the game was played
- Optimized rain and other GPU particles
- Opening Cinematics and Ship Prologue Optimizations
- Memory optimizations for character customization textures
- Additional general CPU performance improvements
Graphics Additions and Fixes
- Adjusting Brightness / Contrast / Saturation no longer breaks HDR rendering
- Fade to Black now actually fully fades to black in HDR mode
Settings Additions and Fixes
- Added Camera Zoom Adjustment Option
- Automatic Camera Zoom adjustment for handheld devices and Performance Mode
Menu Changes
- Added a new menu for exiting the game which includes both Exit To Main Menu and Exit To Desktop (localized text for this menu is coming soon!)
- Adjusted Repair menu size to accommodate for text in other languages
Balance Changes
- Weapons parrying now consumes Stamina (Shields parrying remains unchanged)
- Nerfed Gain Focus On Focus Use enchantment
- Unarmed can now land hits while enemies are on the ground after performing a Backstab
Loot Changes
- Adjusted Dig Spot rates such that Clay drops more often
- Reduced the number of hits needed for Dig Spots, Ore Veins, and Trees
Enemy Changes
- Improved behavior for Nith Screamer and Shackled Brute
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the crane not turning correctly in Nameless Pass and blocking players from progressing
- Fixed a chest at Mariner’s Keep elevator locking you in when trying to loot it
- Fixed dig spots sometimes not giving any loot
- Fixed remaining enemies and bosses becoming kaijus
- Fixed Falstead Darak dealing damage during his transition while he is still human
- Fixed certain doors in Sacrament not having interaction hints
- Fixed missing VFX for attacks by the Twin Bruisers, False Ones and Boarskin Axe
- Fixed condition where enemies attack when they should not
- Fixed vendor buy/sell prices on Raw and Refined materials being only ¼ of what they should be
- Fixed missing furniture items at Workbench
- Fixed Mira and Meri’s Spinning Wheel not allowing players to refine wool threads into garments
- Fixed keyboard and mouse buttons not working on Bounties contribute panel
- Fixed an issue where side notifications would occasionally spam players
- Fixed parry tutorial trigger conditions
- Fixed wording of enchanting tutorial to more accurately describe common rarity
- Fixed spot in the Prologue where you can jump off the ship
- Fixed sizing of a railing on the ship in the Prologue
- Fixed spots where you can get stuck in a climbing loop in Orban Glades and Nameless Pass
- Fixed spot in the Black Trench where you can see out of world
- Fixed Angler’s Delight Chowder’s recipe name
- Changed Danos’ confirm button color so it does not look grayed out
- Fixed NPCs not knowing how to hold fishing rods in Nameless Pass
- Fixed missing shadows and incorrect volumetric fog after changing resolution
- Fixed reflection popping in sewers dungeon
- Fixed torches and fire popping in cinematics
- Fixed rain appearing in caves in Nameless Pass
- Fixed missing audio for waterfall in Potion Seller Cave
- Fixed missing audio for Nameless Pass Prisoner chopping and mining
- Fixed an issue where there was a super bright mist in the Twins Boss arena after respawning
- Fixed pink effects appearing in faders at times
- Improved collision in some places at Orban Glades
- Improved faders in Nameless Pass
- Fixed Photosensitivity screen having overlapping text in certain languages
Ez pedig lefedi az összes olyan változtatást, amely a legutóbbi No Rest for the Wicked frissítéssel került bele. Lenyűgöző látni, hogy a fejlesztők milyen gyorsan javítják a játékosok által bejelentett problémákat, hiszen még nagyobb dolgokra számíthatunk, amint a játék is elkezdi kapni a tartalmi frissítéseket.